Measuring SEO in the Enterprise Webinar

In case you missed it last week, Search Marketing Now has uploaded the webinar I did on “Demonstrating the Value of SEO within a Large Organization:  What to Measure, How to Report which was very well received by the attendees.

In the webinar I focused on four key types of reports that represent the key challenges of demonstrating the need and reporting on the results of your search engine optimization (SEO) program.

•Metrics to build the business case
•Metrics to keep your job & showcase your efforts
•Metrics to do your job & keep your sanity
•Metrics to show competitive environment

Go check out the recording of the webcast to learn:

  • How to report SEO results for large websites
  • What to measure and report that demonstrates value and ROI of SEO
  • How to share reporting up the management chain

Over the next few weeks I will be blogging about some of the reports I talked about and providing templates for some of the reports.  I have already put a few of them up in these articles –

The Cost of Not Ranking Organically